Saturday, February 2, 2008

Photo of the Week #1

I think I'm going to try to post a photo of something, anything, at least once a week. And so, this is the first such post!

I took this as I was leaving work yesterday. The sky was a beautiful blue color, and these clouds were amazing. I suppose that's the trade-off with Missouri weather. We can go from 58 and sunny to 29 and snowing in a day* but you get wonderful cloudscapes, sunrises, and sunsets from time to time. I could definitely do without the random and severe weather changes, but this is a fair deal, at least in my opinion.

And yes, I did 'Shop this photo a bit. The colors weren't exactly how I remembered them, and I'd rather upload a file that's a few dozen kilobytes instead of a few megabytes, because honestly? That's way too many bytes.

Also! FoxyTunes is awesome, and the fact that social networking sites and things like Blogger can interact with it totally rocks my socks.

*This just happened last week. For serious.

Now playing: Gogol Bordello - Start Wearing Purple
via FoxyTunes


Mighty Minimalist Mama said...

It's a gorgeous picture. Did you take it with your iPhone or do you carry a camera in your car? Nice job.

Conrad said...

I've considered getting an iPhone, but I don't have one (yet?). I keep a camera in my bag though. Never know when I'll come across something I want to take a picture of, you know?

StraightMom said...

Ah, for some reason I thought you were part of the iPhone cliche of which David so desperately longs to be a part.