Thursday, March 6, 2008

Photo of the Week #5

This is my blog-writing gear: I don the feathered cap, and quill in hand, painstakingly transcribe my thoughts to papyrus. The document is then scanned and faxed to a small monastery in southern France where a team of friars take turns typing the text into Notepad. The file is then emailed back to me, which I copy and paste into Blogger. So if it seems that I don't post very often, you now know the reason.

Bonus alternate post:
One of my favorite hobbies is calligraphy. I picked it up a few years ago and have practiced off an on ever since. I'm not the best, but it's something I enjoy and I find it surprisingly relaxing. I am a big font fanatic, so I suppose calligraphy is a natural extension of that. Or is it the other way around?

I've found a few uses for it, which is always exciting. My graduation announcements were addressed in calligraphy, and I have filled out the marriage certificates of two of my friends. That was especially neat because it's something they'll have and cherish for a long time. Maybe sometime soon I'll post a few examples...

Now playing: ORESKABAND - Chuck
via FoxyTunes


Anonymous said...

So you've got quite a complex way to transcribe your thoughts. Pray tell, have you given thought to simple dictation transcription? If or when you do so, I'm ready to "hear voices" for you, transcribe.

Exit, stage right.

Alan, of

Mighty Minimalist Mama said...

Have you been taking notes from a certain customer service department?:)