Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Fresh Limeade

The other day I found a recipe for lemon- or limeade that used the entire fruit, rind and all. It caught my attention, so I tried it out. It's really simple and a lot easier and quicker than the normal method of juicing the fruit.

I was a bit reluctant to use the peels of both limes, thinking it would be too much, so I used one and a half of the peels and added an extra half cup of water. The end result was actually kind of watered-down. Next time, I might even use less water than the recipe calls for. Also, I'd really like to try this with 2 cups of water to blend with the limes and sugar, then crush 3 cups of ice with a half cup of water and strain the juice and mix together. Kind of like a frozen limeade. It might need more sugar though... When I try it out I'll update this post.

Also, the warning about keeping leftovers is quite valid. I refrigerated the remaining limeade, and it tasted pretty bad the next day. I could easily see 3 or more people finishing it off in a sitting though - it's that good.

Now playing: Daft Punk - Veridis Quo
via FoxyTunes

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