Saturday, July 5, 2008

Fourth of July

I hope everyone had a safe Fourth of July!

I spent the day at my parents' house, and we shot off some fireworks after it got dark. I brought my camera, which actually has a "fireworks" setting, so I took a bunch of pictures. The setting has a long exposure time though, and I didn't bring my tripod, so some of them look a little shaky. I'll have to remember that for next time.

I think the fountains look really cool as photographs since it shows them over time.

We had a total of four sets of artillery shells that we screwed down to a board. We were able to light all four at once, which was really neat. The photo at the top shows three of them exploding at the same time.

This last picture was kind of cool; my mom, dad, brother, and I all lit a roman candle at the same time and stood next to each other. I took a picture with my free hand (you can see my other hand holding the roman candle on the left side).

Now playing: ai otsuka - Smily
via FoxyTunes

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