Thursday, July 3, 2008

Minus Comic Ending

One of my favorite webcomics ever ended today. "Minus" was a magnificent tale about a magical little girl, written and illustrated beautifully by Ryan Armand. Here's the description from the site:
Each minus strip is painted on a 15x20" piece of Illustration board. With this comic I am pretending I am making a comic strip for a newspaper in the early 20th century. A special newspaper that lets me use as much color as I want. I'm not much for comic strips so I don't know how long I'll be doing this one, so enjoy it while it lasts, I guess? It'll be updating every thursday until I suddenly stop! Making comics on giant paper is pretty neat though.
I strongly encourage you to read it from the beginning. Stick through until the end; you'll be glad you did.

Wow... This really makes me sad. I ordered a print of my favorite strip, #37. I really hope he turns it into a book, but until then, it was the least I could do for all the joy and entertainment this comic has given me. Thank you, Mr. Armand.

Minus will be missed, but never forgotten.

Now playing: Bedlam Bards - Leaf On the Wind
via FoxyTunes

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