Monday, January 12, 2009

Blog Anniversary

Wow, it's already been a year since I started this? And this is only the 38th post... Well, like I said in my last entry, hopefully that's going to change this year. Anyway, happy birthday Blurred Lines!

I've started working on a new layout for the blog. I wanted to have it ready for today, but my weekend was a lot busier than I anticipated. My brother is involved in mixed martial arts and had a fight on Saturday, which he won. He's actually quite good. From what I heard, there was a professional scout in the audience who talked to my brother's trainer about him. Exciting stuff.

This round of pictures is composed of general scenery we saw in Hawai‘i. I'm never satisfied with my photos because they never quite capture the scene as I remember it, but I guess that's the difference between looking at pictures and actually being there.

The most exciting thing we did in Hawai‘i was probably the snorkeling trip. The weather didn't hold out for us to go parasailing or take the giant zipline down a mountain. My dad bought a disposable underwater camera, but the pictures sadly didn't turn out too well. The company running the tour rented out nicer cameras, but it seemed kind of expensive and I really didn't know what to expect. Next time though, I'd definitely shell out for the rental.

I got a lot more familiar with my camera on this trip. I played around with the settings a lot more, and quite a few of my photos benefitted from the experimentation. I think it's fairly evident in the pictures for the next round - sunsets, clouds, etc. A lot of the shots were taken several times, all with different settings. It really gave me a feel for how things turn out just slightly differently with all the different options.

Anyway, thanks for reading, and hopefully this next year will be loads better than the last!

Now playing: ai otsuka - Birthday Song
via FoxyTunes


Yevna said...

Happy Anniversary, Blurred Lines! ^^

Hugin said...

{Sweets} Happy B-Day, BL~