Saturday, January 31, 2009

Vacation Pictures Episode 3

It's no secret that I love taking pictures of clouds and sunsets. So this post really just couldn't be helped.

The sunsets on Oahu didn't really cooperate with me too well. The first picture up there was taking while driving around there one day, but we didn't really catch any great views on that island.

The other three pictures were all taken on Maui. I was worried that we wouldn't be able to catch a sunset since it rained a lot, but it always seemed to clear up just before the sun started going down. We didn't see any really spectacular, calendar-quality ones, but I'm quite happy with the shots I ended up with since I was able to enjoy them with my family.

Okay, so I didn't post once a week, but I still got 4 posts for the month of January! That counts, doesn't it? I'll work on discipline throughout February I guess. I've still got a round of photos from the trip that I want to post. Also, I've been gearing up for a convention in March where I'll be selling the chainmail jewelry I alluded to in a previous post. So I'll have a bunch of pictures of the pieces I've finished so far that I'd like to blog about.

Now playing: Jason Mraz - I'm Yours
via FoxyTunes


Hugin said...

Not calendar quality? Holy-moly, those are freakin' badass, dude! I may make a calendar from your photos now just to spite you :P

Yevna said...

Those pictures look great. ^^ You could make desktop pictures with them.